Day 38: Praying When There are no Words

Praying in Jesus name means we pray in light of who He is, what He promises, and what He desires to do. Take some time today and pray in light of the following attribute of God.

Step 1. Reflect on His Character

God is our intercessor. Knowing our temptations, God the Son intercedes for us. He opens the doors for us to boldly ask Him for mercy. Thus, God is both the starting point and ending point of true prayer. As you read Hebrews 4:14-16 remember that these words were written as a encouragement to The Hebrews who were dealing with all the confusing emotions that go along with persecution. Allow them to bring you hope today as you pray.


Step 2. Rest in His Authority

The following verses reveal God as our intercessor and counselor. Read these verses and identify promises that you can base your prayers on.

Isaiah 53:12, John 14:6-7, 25-26, John 17:9,15, Romans 8:26,34, 1 Timothy 2:5-6, Hebrews 7:5, Hebrews 9:24, 1 John 2:2


Step 3. Run in His Passion

Intercession is such a powerful word. It is the picture of one who comes to the aide or intervenes on the behalf of another. Today’s verses remind us that God is not distant or apathetic with our struggles, but he is intervening on our behalf. It may be hard to see it because it requires we view our circumstances form a spiritual perspective, but none-the-less He is moving on our behalf. As you reflect and pray about your circumstances today, ask God to give you the spiritual sense you need to trust that He is interceding on your behalf.  Trust that the Father is interceding for you when you cannot form words to pray on your own behalf.

Use this example as a guide to pray for the loved ones in your life. (Source Mom’s in Touch International)

God is our Counselor – One who gives advice, guidance and direction
May ________ say with confidence: I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. (From Psalm 16:7-8)


One response to “Day 38: Praying When There are no Words”

  1. Anonymous says :

    God is so wonderful! He loves us so much that He mediates on our behalf with God! What more could we ask for than to have the One who laid down His life for us be the One who advocates for us? TOO awesome!

    I might even give up on my own behalf because I know how screwed up I am… But Jesus will never give up He will NOT let even one of us be taken from His hand! Oh, praise Him for His everlasting kindness!

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