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Day 41: The Day All Creation is Waiting For!

Day 41 – Jesus Coronation – Our Greatest Joy

Scriptures:  Revelation 5:1-14, Revelation 19:1-6.  Psalm 98

Philippians 2:8  And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9  Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10  so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11  and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Every person, every spirit, every creature will eventually bow before the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  All of the humiliation that Jesus Christ endured on the cross will be transformed into joy at His coronation.The scales of justice will be weighed and the truth will shine forth in perfect light. And Every tongue will confess His exaltation. At this moment, every tongue past, present and future, will not simply acknowledge grudgingly that Jesus is God. They will confess exactly what God says about Jesus Christ.  Everything revealed in God’s Word concerning Jesus Christ will be professed by the masses of all humanity and all creation.

  • The Coronation of Jesus Christ is the Crown of God’s Creation and the Consummation of God’s Redemption.

Jesus Coronation is the apex of all history.  When He is crowned, creation is redeemed from the fall and the redemption He purchased on the cross for us is completed. Furthermore all of creation is awaiting this glorious event where Jesus is crowned as King and we who believe in Him as Lord and savior are adopted as Sons and Daughters.  We become joint heirs with Christ.  And all of creation will celebrate this day. This is the joy that was set before Jesus and the joy that is set before us.

And all of creation will join in the splendor.  Listen to God’s description of this event in Psalm 98

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music;  make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing,   with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn — shout for joy before the LORD, the King.   Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.   Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy;   let them sing before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity.

Psalm 98:4-9 NIV

Now I want to try to paint a mental picture for us of what this will be like.  Now what I am going to share is speculation based upon the scripture.  There is no way we can know exactly what this will be like.  But I firmly believe it will exceed the farthest reaches of our imaginations. Because this event, the coronation of Jesus Christ is pinnacle of all God has done.  It will be filled with more color than the grandest sunrise, it will have more music that most grand symphony ever assembled, for all the instruments and all the voices of all of creation will harmoniously sing of the greatness of God. The psalms tell us the that seas will sing to the Lord, the rivers will clap their hands, the mountains will bow down and praise the Lord.  Then every tongue of every human that has ever spoken will in concert proclaim Jesus is Lord.

The Hebrews over there will be proclaiming Yeshua Adonia,

The Spanish will proclaim Hesus es Senor!

The Germans will say Jesus ist Herr!

The Indonesians profess Puji Jesus Tuhan

The French will say . . .  Jésus est le Seigneur

The Portuguese will proclaim Deos e’ Bom    Jesus é Senhor


And the same is true of every language that has ever been uttered.   And much like at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit enabled men and women to understand and hear foreign languages, I believe we will 

Day 40: Are You Ready?

Day 40 – Jesus Return

Scriptures:  Matthew 24:29-31, Matthew 25 1-46, Revelation 22:6-22

The Parable of the 10 Virgins – Explanation of a Jewish Wedding.

A first Century Jewish Wedding is somewhat different than a typical American Wedding. First of all most marriages were pre arranged.  The parents of both the Bride and the groom were very involved in the process. Secondly the marriage covenant actually began from a legal standpoint at the betrothal.  That is why the scriptures say that Joseph when he learned that Mary was pregnant sought to put her away privately.  An engagement was a legally binding covenant.  The only way it could be broken was through a divorce.  The marriage had not yet been consummated nor the wedding celebrated but it was a legal covenant.

After the engagement the groom would return to his father’s house and begin to prepare a wedding chamber.  This was often an addition on the family home.  The couple might later have a home of their own but they often would begin their married life together in an add-on apartment of the groom’s family home. The Groom would make all the preparations on the dwelling place.  But it was up to the Father to say when the bridal chamber was ready.  Only the Father of the Groom had the authority to say “All is ready go and get your bride.” Invitations would be sent saying that the wedding banquet which was the official public celebration and ceremony was coming soon.  But the Father was the one who said, Go and get her! The Father’s of the groom would often have some fun with this.  They would build anticipation not only in the couple who were aching to be together, but it was fun for the extended family and the entire community as well.

The bride would be gathered together with the bridesmaids awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom.  But they did not know when he would come because it was totally up to the inclination of the Father of the Groom. Often the Father would wait until late in the night building the anticipation, and then say, “All is ready, Son go and get your bride.”

In this Parable Jesus Himself is the Groom. God the Father alone knows the day and the hour when all will be ready and He will say to the Son, go and get your bride. The Son, Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us, for in His Father’s house are many dwelling places. The Bride is the Church. Each of our individual lives are represented by the one group or another of the ten virgins. Either we are wise virgins who have oil in our lamps or we are the foolish virgins who have none. The Oil itself represents the Seal of the Holy Spirit living in us.

Observations from the parable of the Ten Virgins.

  • From the outside both groups looked the SAME.
    • Both had lamps
    • Both had trimmed their lamps
    • Both appeared to be awaiting the arrival of the Bridegroom


From the outside these two lamps look the same.  They are identical.  But only one will produce light.  Only one has lamp oil in it.  The other, although it looks from all appearance to be a lamp is actually empty and incapable of producing light. The significance of this is quite staggering.  I believe choose to use the number 10 on purpose to represent an official gathering.

Within any gathering there will be true believers and false believers.  And from the outside they may not be identifiable. But to the Lord who sees the heart, who sees what is inside of each of us the truth is very clear.

  • How can you know for sure you are saved?  The HOLY SPIRIT lives in you.

God has given us the Holy Spirit as a deposit to assure us that we are a part of His bride the church. If the Holy Spirit lives in you, you are saved.  You can anticipate the coming of the Groom Jesus Christ with great pleasure. But if the Holy Spirit does not live in you, although to the appearance of everyone else you may look like a Christian,  the Lord, would say, “I do not know you.” (v 12)


Application of the Parable of the 10 Virgins.

Just as in the parable, we have been asked to wait for Jesus Christ the Bridegroom to come and to take us to His home, heaven. But we are to become so comfortable in the waiting room that we live as if He will not come.

Matthew 25:

10  And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut.

We are to welcome His return.  We are to live in anticipation of His return.  The deepest desires of our heart will be meet in Him when He returns to receive believers as His bride.

Revelation of John 22:

20  He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

We are to welcome His return and live in anticipation of it.

Matthew 25:

21  His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’

We must learn to be focused on His words of affirmation rather than to seek the applause of man. We must learn to be focused on the warmth of His welcome rather than become content with the comforts of this world.

  • If we do not long for His coming, we will not live for His Kingdom.

The Day of the Lord is coming soon.  Jesus will return.  Are you ready? How would your life be different if you lived as if Jesus would return tomorrow?

Day 39: Is There Anything Better Than Jesus?

Day 39 – Jesus Eternal Identity

Scriptures:  Hebrews 1:1-14, Hebrews 12:1-2, Hebrews 12:18-29

The book of Hebrews assembles the eternal identity of Jesus from the Old Testament into a brilliant legal defense of His Deity.

As you read Hebrews 1 here are some things to observe.  Then see how those are expanded in Hebrews 12 as well.  Discovering all that Jesus is enables us to fix our eyes on Him and run the race He has set before us.  It also enables us to trust Him to discipline us so that we look more and more like Him and that His unshakable character is what is seen through the lives of His Followers.


Hebrews 1 Outline

Jesus PERSON who He truly is (Seven attributes of His Identity)

1. He is the Heir of all things.  (V2)

  • Everything I have is His; my car, my watch, my kids, my socks, everything belongs to Him.

2. He is the Creator of all Things (V2) John 1:3

  • The word “worlds” here is “Aionos”  it can also mean ages or times.  It is the root word from which we derive the word “Eon.”  Jesus is the creator and heir of all time as well as all things.

3. He Radiates the Glory of God. (V3)

4. He is the perfect likeness of God’s Being  (V3)

5. He sustains all things by His word (V3)

6. He is the purifier of sin (V3)

7. He is now at the Right Hand of the Father (V3-4)


Jesus Position (Seven Attributes of His Authority)

  1. He is Higher than the angels (v4)
  2. He is the SON (v5)
  3. He is the object of Worship (v6)
  4. He is GOD (v8)
  5. His throne is Eternal & Righteous (v8)
  6. He is Immutable (v10-12)
  7. He will conquer all enemies (v13)


There are also 7 quotations of the Old Testament used here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is God.

Making it EPIC

Jesus wants you to embody His Character, Authority and Passion. So after each day’s reading take some time and…

Reflect on His Character

What do these verses say about God? How do you need to lean on these aspects of His Character? Take some time to reflect and praise God for who He is.

Rest in His Authority

What do these verses say about you with God? In what ways did God show His power? What would your life look like if you rested in this aspect of God’s power?

Run is His Passion

What is God doing in these verses? In what ways do your passions differ from God’s? What do you need to do to run in God’s passion?

Day 38: Having Been With Jesus…

Day 38 – Peter and John before the Supreme Court of Israel

Scriptures:  Acts 4:1-31, Psalm 2

Acts chapter 4 is an incredible passage. Peter and John are on trial for healing a man born lame in Jesus name.  What astonishes the judges is that Peter and John are common uneducated men, but they are putting on a brilliant legal defense.  And the only explanation to their ability is “the had been with Jesus.”

But there is much more going on than a human trial. In this passage we have a prophetic heavenly drama being played out on an earthly stage.  This is why Peter quotes from Psalm 2.  He is showing from Scripture that a spiritual battle is what is really taking place.

As you read through both of these passages meditate on the background of Psalm 2.

Psalm 2 is a prophetic Psalm that gives us a view of the affairs of humanity from heaven’s vantage point.

Psalm 2 is quoted 18 times in the New Testament more than other Psalm.  It is quoted in Matthew 3:17, 7:23,17:5,Mark 1:11, 9:7, Luke 3:22, 9:35, John 1:49, Acts 4:25-26, 13:33, Philippians 2:12, Hebrews 1:2 & 5, 5:5, Revelation 2:26-27, 11:18, 12:5, and 19:15.

It is a Messianic Psalm referring to Christ’s work of salvation and it is a Royal Psalm referring to the Coronation of Christ.

This Psalm is a Psalm you hear it is recorded in 4 voices. And there are 4 stanzas of 3 verses each that correlate to each voice.

Verses 1-3 – The Voice of the Conspirators – Wicked Rebellion

Verses 4-6- The Voice of God the Father – Wrath

Verses 7-9 – The Voice of God the Son – Victory

Verses 10-12 – The Voice of God the Holy Spirit – Warning

Making it EPIC

Jesus wants you to embody His Character, Authority and Passion. So after each day’s reading take some time and…

Reflect on His Character

What do these verses say about God? How do you need to lean on these aspects of His Character? Take some time to reflect and praise God for who He is.

Rest in His Authority

What do these verses say about you with God? In what ways did God show His power? What would your life look like if you rested in this aspect of God’s power?

Run is His Passion

What is God doing in these verses? In what ways do your passions differ from God’s? What do you need to do to run in God’s passion?

Day 37: God is With Us!

Day 37: The Great Commission

Scriptures: Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:1-10

It is interesting that Matthew’s Gospel ends where it began. He ends with the phrase, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” He begins with the account of Christ’s birth and the pharse, “They shall call His name Immanuel” which means, God with us. All the verses in between remind us that the King of Kings has come to establish His kingdom through grace. We must remember for God to be with us means that he has come in both the comfort of grace and in the authority as King of Kings.

In the great commission, we see both the authoritative presence and the comforting presence of Jesus. If we are to truly experience one aspect of His presence we must embrace the other. If true transformation is to happen in our life, we must embrace both aspects of His presence. If we only embrace the comfort of His presence, without the authority, we will likely never live to fulfill the great commission. We will simply rest in that grace and miss its full intended meaning in our life. If we are out of balance on the other end of the spectrum, and only see Jesus presence as authoritative, we will likely “go” in a spirit of condemning others. For the gospel to be proclaimed faithfully, we must rest in His authority that calls us to go, as well as, his comforting presence that is with us as we go.

On one hand our hearts must be gripped by the comforting presence of Jesus and on the other we should want to follow what He commands us to do out of love for Him. A person that embraces this balance with “go” in the boldness of authority and the compassion of God’s comfort. Making disciples is simply leading others to the God that has been revealed to us. Let’s be sure we are embracing the full revelation of His presence that we may live to fulfill the Great Commission.


Making it EPIC.

Reflect on His Character

What do these verses reveal about Jesus’ character? Which aspects of His character encourage you? Which ones challenge you?

Rest in His Authority

Believing Jesus means we face our circumstances with the statement, “Lord because you are here…” What circumstances are you facing right now and how would you finish that statement in light of what you have learned about His character today?

Run is His Passion

In what ways is God trying to deepen your faith? What aspects of His character is He trying to reveal to you personally through your trials? Will you trust Him for who He is and not just what He does?